Sunday, March 23, 2008

Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

Me, giving the symbol of the Democratic Party a handout?

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Hillary Rap

After reading the "poem" post, it sounded a lot like a rap song. So, I juiced up the lyrics and set the whole thing to music. Enjoy.

We the people

We the people wonder why the public education system has failed.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Hillary, You My Girl

a poem by JFB

Eight years ago, we lost our Democrat.
Been askin ever since, "Where the party at?"

Bush stole from Gore, then he stole from me.
Gave my money to his friends, you see?

Then Cheney came by and shot my dad,
Burned my clothes, and took my ride.

Thank you Hill, for bein' out there,
Showin' concern, we know you care.

Got a 11-point plan to fix our pain,
Put the guv-ment in charge of everythang.

My health-care? I want it socialized!
War in Iraq? You know Bush lied!

I'll dial you up, "Pay off my loan,
But I can't say much, Bush tapped my phone."

Thank you Hill, for bein' out there,
Showin' concern, we know you care.

First Post

Well, it had to happen sooner or later. This blog has existed for about about 4 months but has yet to get a single entry. I could procrastinate not longer. An entry had to be written.

This blog will allow myself and Neal, and other contributors, to pontificate on the 2008 elections. While we'll probably focus more on the presidential election, they'll surely be some content on local elections. Especially now that Bud Cramer has decided to step down from his post as this area's representative in Congress. Surely we'll get a Republican in there... Anyway, I digress.

I'll try to make weekly entries. Notice I said try. I'm hoping to mix in some videos or even some songs. Maybe even a haiku in there every once in a while.

Keep posted, update your bookmarks, and get ready for a perspective on the election you'll not find anywhere else.